A 2-year warranty is granted. Our guarantee applies to defects in material and/or fabrication.
The complaint does not apply to errors or damage caused by incorrect operation of the product/service.
Melina World will cover return costs to a reasonable extent.
When returning, please contact Melina World at Melina World must be contacted before the return is made.
Products are sent to:
Melina World
Ingerslevsgade 110, st. TV.
1705 Copenhagen V
No parcels sent on demand are received.
30-day return policy
30 days full return policy is given for goods purchased in our Webshop. The period is counted from the day you receive the order.
You will have to pay return costs yourself.
Cancellation must be notified to us within 30 days of purchase and from the cancellation, you must return within 14 days after the shipment.
The notification must be given per. email at In the notice, you must clearly indicate to us that you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal. You can also choose to use our standard Return form and send it with the products you wish to return. You can find it here: Return form
The condition of the item when you return it
You are only liable for any deterioration in the value of the product due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, properties and manner of operation of the product. In other words – you can try the item in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store.
If the item is tried in addition to what is described above, we consider it used, which means that upon cancellation of the purchase you will only receive part or none of the purchase amount, depending on the trade value of the item.
In order to receive the full purchase amount, you must do the same as you can in a physical store. You may try the item, but do not use it for real use.